How to introduce candidates by consultancies?
Consultancies are free to take interviews of the job
seekers. Some companies seek for experienced people while BPOs and many other
organizations prefer no experience at the entry level. The consultancies should
know for which sector they are recruiting and taking interviews. They need to
categorize the candidate as Fresher or skilled worker. If the candidate is the
skilled person then there should be a proper mention of the job he/she has
handled, the role and the responsibilities and the achievements made so that
the searching company could understand whether the candidate would fulfill its
criteria or not. To introduce candidates the consultancies should mention the
stream in which the candidates belong to and the objective of the candidate
like whether the job-seeker is interested for the managerial posts like
middle/senior management posts or entry level positions or higher management
The companies find it interesting only if any of the
physical things matches the choice of the preferred company. But the companies
look for the competencies which are possessed by the candidates. The
consultancies need to describe the skills they possess, the motivations they
have, whether they have any inclination towards that job or not, managerial
skills they possess like working in a team, how the candidate comes out as the
leader by framing a opinion which represent their attitude and behavior all
reflect the company’s interest in hiring a candidate. About the candidate
whatever the consultancies gather should be reported in a straight forward
manner so that the company can have a picture about the candidate before
meeting the actual candidate. The description should be simple so that the
recruiters can understand whether the candidate is a monolingual or
multilingual and what his basic skills are.
Consultancies should remember that they are to supply all
details about the candidate to the employers. Only then the employers could be
able to select the right candidate of their choice as per their requirement.
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